Lake of the Isles | Great Lakes Guide
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Lake of the Isles


Lake of the Isles is one of the most unique features of the Thousand Islands.
Lake of the Isles is not entirely enclosed, as most lakes are, but instead it is interestingly situated in the middle of Wellesley Island.
The western end of the lake touches DeWolf Point State Park and the eastern end extends past Hill Island(Canadian), where the lake then opens up to the St.
Lawrence River.
Lake of the Isles also boasts some of the warmest water temperatures on the St.
Lawrence River and is a great location for wildlife sightings.
Those interested in accessing Lake of the Isles by boat should enter from the Northeast end of Wellesley Island(navigation chart or GPS unit strongly encouraged).
If interested in visiting Lake of the Isles by car, the best option is to head to DeWolf Point State Park.

Water Quality

Passes water quality tests 60-95% of the time.
Water quality information provided by Swim Guide with the support of RBC Royal Bank.

Current Weather

-11.0° degrees celsius.


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