Hospital Beach | Great Lakes Guide
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Hospital Beach


Located along the Kingston Waterfront Pathway in front of Providence Care Hospital, Hospital Beach is a small stone beach with shallow water that’s perfect for swimming, picnicking, or just enjoying a view of the lake.
THe pathway leading to the water was recently renovated as part of Kingston's Waterfront Master Plan, so make sure to check it out! Surrounded by lots of green space and beside Lake Ontario Park, this beach is a popular spot for families, hospital staff, and anyone enjoying the Waterfront Pathway or the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
This beach is not monitored by lifeguards.
There are no public washrooms available at the site.
However, there are public washrooms available at Lake Ontario Park, about 500 metres west of Hospital Beach along the Waterfront Pathway which are open from the May long weekend until Thanksgiving.
Hospital Beach will not be monitored by Swim Drink Fish in the 2024 sampling season, however, the Kingston Monitoring Hub will continue its work throughout the Kingston community and at Doug Fluhrer Park and Gord Edgar Downie Pier.

Water Quality

No water quality data is available.
Water quality information provided by Swim Guide with the support of RBC Royal Bank.

Current Weather

-14.0° degrees celsius.


Great Lakes Waterfront Trail

This beach is on the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
Visit the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail website for more information.

Traditional Territories




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